
Julia Pedrick, LLC was founded in 2019. Starting as the first independent venture of someone long working within traditional digital media agencies, JPLLC has since expanded to organizations and brands throughout the art + culture space.

JPLLC offers digital marketing expertise, influencer campaign creation, social media strategy & execution, and advertising launch & growth plans.


Founder Julia Pedrick here, I am proud of the work JPLLC does for a cultural client base. At first, the focus of the work was social media; however, JPLLC has expanded to offer a more global digital approach to marketing and branding. 

I cut my own industry and marketing teeth in traditional e-commerce advertising for large corporations. JPLLC now adapts those practices to aid non-profit and start-up organizations leading to a more thoughtful distribution of marketing budgets. 

It is an intersection of a unique point of view and a best of two worlds: the efficiencies and learnings of e-commerce partnered with the more mission-based work of the art world. 

Personally, I find it endlessly rewarding to support those persons, groups, and creators of the work I enjoy, and the shows, galleries, and exhibitions I explore on my downtime. I love a tiny cocktail bar, an adventurous meal, and page-turning mystery.

Thank you for visiting, I look forward to connecting soon.